Thursday, October 25, 2012

Overdue Weigh-In

So, I had lunch with a relatively new friend yesterday (let me clarify... we've been friends on Facebook for years because I know her parents, and she was a beloved follower of my other blog, "Lost in Singledom" before we ever met in person), and she commented on how much she loved "Breaking Up With the Couch."  I had to think about it for a second.  What is she talking about?  OH yeah... my other blog!

I apologize to the two of you who are probably even still the slightest bit interested in anything I have to say on this blog and if you happen to stumble across this in a random Google search one day and remember having read a few posts years ago, please know that I have pretty valid excuses for my absence.

First and foremost, my life is very different than it was the last time I posted on this blog.  All in good ways, thankfully, well, mostly.  I'll get to that.  Since my last weight-loss-inspired post, I have gotten a new job (with a much longer, much more awful commute) and started a new relationship with an amazing guy.  The combination of a longer commute, shorter at-home time for meal preparation and gym festivities, eating out on dates, and generally laying around and enjoying life have contributed to an addition of a few "happy pounds."  (I'm not sure how I feel about the term "happy pounds," to be honest.  I know they are acquired because you are happy, but I'm not happy to have them around.  I'm quite the opposite, actually.)  To stay true to the ethos of this blog, I will be honest and say that I have gained back six of the almost forty pounds I lost previously.

I know, I know.  Six pounds?!, you say.  That's no big deal.  That's not even a clothing size.  But, it is a big deal.  The train is moving in the wrong direction.  I worked very hard to lose those six pounds, sweating endlessly on stairclimbers, running on treadmills until my knees ached, lifting weights until my muscles shook.  They have no right to be back, especially this soon after having been evicted.

I'm in no way blaming anyone other than myself.  I could have gotten my behind out of bed on any of the dozens of Saturdays since you last heard from me and dragged it to the gym.  I could have ordered steamed vegetables instead of loaded baked potatoes or french fries at any of the countless restaurants at which I've spent time and money over the course of the last nine months.  I could have tracked my points in Weight Watchers instead of just paying for the monthly service and hoping that some kind of online osmosis process would log them from my brain (which apparently is not a reliable calculator for such things) to the plan manager.  But, I didn't.  Contrary to popular belief, I am not infallible.  And I am overweight.

So, Monday was the line in the sand.  After celebrating my niece's fifth birthday this weekend with about twenty of our closest relatives and friends and a ten-layer "Yo Gabba Gabba"-themed birthday cake covered in delicious fondant, I decided that it was high time I got my nose back to the grindstone.  I miss the feeling of losing weight.  I miss looking at myself in the mirror and doing a double-take, almost not recognizing the body standing in front of me.  I miss my clothes getting bigger with each passing week and the constant decision of whether or not I could just buy a belt and make these pants go a few more weeks until I'm a size smaller.  I dread the thought of not fitting into the new sizes hanging in my closet now and refuse, absolutely, unequivocally, vehemently refuse to purchase anything bigger at any point.  For the rest of my life.

And besides the clothing and fashion aspect of losing and then maintaining weight, I'm no spring chicken anymore.  I recently got sick and there was a lot of use of terms like " your age..." and " should start to consider..." at the doctor's office.  How the hell did that happen so fast?!  But, my amnesia of the first portion of my adult life is no excuse.  I need to take better care of myself now so I can be around and healthy and active as long as possible.

So, expect to see regular, real-world updates as I work to maintain the success that I had before and strive to turn the train around back towards Weight-Loss-ville.  I'll rely on you for motivation, encouragement, and challenges.  Keep me in check, friends.  Don't let me go longer than a week without updating you, regardless of whether or not the news is good.  Hold me accountable.


  1. Keep it up, girl! You know you can do it! So glad to hear that everything is going so well in your life. Thanks be to God!

    1. Thank you, Erin! I'm blessed beyond measure.
