So, friends, tomorrow is the day of reckoning: Thanksgiving. No, I'm not worried about the ridiculous amount of calories I will consume between tomorrow morning and Sunday evening in first-rounds, second-rounds, leftovers, turkey sandwiches, turkey pot pies, turkey open-face sandwiches for when you run low on bread and the grocery store shelves are bare until Monday...
Folks, I won't beat around the bush. Last night, I packed my things for my very "over the river and through the woods" weekend road trips to celebrate this time of gratitude with the people I love. I put clothes, shoes, jewelry, and jackets (more than I'd ever need for four days) into a suitcase and rolled it on out to my car. Do you want to guess what was blatantly missing from my fashion repertoire for the weekend? My Thanksgiving Goal Dresses. (Hangs head in shame.)
I knew going into this week that I hadn't been as successful as I'd wanted to be. I feel as though I've rollercoastered over the course of the last few weeks since my open proclamation of my goals and intentions to fit into these dresses by tomorrow. I know I lost a few pounds and then think I gained them back. Primary Reason/Excuse #1 has been a nerve issue I've been having with my leg. Something is hating on me right now and it starts at the back of my leg, runs along the front, and all the way down to my ankle. Like a constant, slow, burning, awfulness. It is not the least bit inspiring me to go to the gym, which only relieves the pain momentarily and then makes it come back with a vengeance. It has actually been exhausting me to the point of falling asleep on the couch like an old woman by 9:00 p.m. on a Saturday and has required me to live and die by the presence of Advil in my purse.
Yesterday, as fate would have it, I decided I'd had enough after almost a month of dealing with the pain. I'd been to a chiropractor several times and he had suggested some stretches that were again only momentary relief. I'm not a fan of prescription "band-aid" remedies, but with the holidays approaching and impending automobile travel, I couldn't stomach the thought of my left leg putting me out of commission. I went to my doctor. Of course, you're always welcomed into any doctor's office with a "Hello, Melanie, please step up on the scale here..." greeting that always starts the visit on a positive note (sarcasm). As I looked down at the digital screen that I couldn't argue with, reality set in. I had not lost a single pound. Worse still, I hadn't even lost a single ounce.
Turns out I probably have a sciatica issue or a pinched nerve. So, I'll survive. And it still leaves the Primary Reason #2 that I haven't lost any weight... you know, the one about me being lazy and overeating.
So, I didn't bother even trying the dresses on last night. They've hung beautifully on the back of my bedroom door for weeks now and I've almost gotten to the point where their presence there is overlooked (except at night when they eerily resemble a body standing in my doorway), so their inspiration is probably lost on me. I need something else to inspire me to fit into them. Because obviously looking stunningly cute in either of them on Thanksgiving Day with a pair of matching knee-high boots and contrasting jewelry wasn't enough. And it's only going to get harder as Christmas approaches. And I refuse to be a January 1st Resolutioner. No band wagons for this chickadee.
So, in tribute to my beautiful dresses, I leave you with their image and ask for suggestions of how to jump-start some weight loss in the midst of the most glorious culinary season of the year. I will be successful. These dresses will get on my body in an appropriate, non-buttons-popping way.
P.S. I did have a fashion highlight this past weekend that I'd like to share... I was able to fit beautifully into my absolute favorite slinky red dress that I bought for a cruise back in April. As it easily zipped up the back, I stopped holding my breath, exhaled, (let my stomach return to a natural position) and grinned confidently in the mirror. This dress is four sizes smaller than what I wore this time a year and a half ago. Although I may not have hit this Thanksgiving goal, I need reminders like this that I have come a long way, baby.